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Thursday, 7 January 2016

Lima the Lion ....capes and crowns!

 Lima the Lion was especially designed for a special little boys 1st Birthday party!

I designed the Lion, made a watercolour picture of him for the invitaton....and then I made this very special Lion into a very big Lion toy!

And he just turned out spectacular!

Lima the Lion's watercolour design for the invitation!

 My little boy just loves modelling the capes and masks and beanies.....literally anything I can dress him up in!  This cape was made for the birthday boy, modelled after the Lion!

I also made some cute crowns mimicking the crown on the Lions head for all the little party goers!

It was a great success with the birthday boy adoring his party!
Thanks to his mommy for believing in me!



  1. This is really very cute and I want this for my son for his 2nd birthday party. I had been to party at New York event venues and loved that place with their services as well and that is why I am thinking to hire that place for the party as well.

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  4. Wow, artikel tentang Lima Lion Capes and Crowns sangat menginspirasi! Saya sangat menyukai cara Anda menggambarkan keindahan dan keunikan setiap lion cape dan crown. Terima kasih atas wawasan yang luar biasa!
